Well, dear reader, I return to you once again, this time forcefully dragging you into the glamorous world of politics! As we all know, eleven days ago, a summit meeting in Geneva, between the two powers, ended, leaving us in a state of insularity, as many articles according to several political and non-political papers tried to answer the time tested question: “How are US-Russian relations?”
The truth is, as any paper will tell you: we are cautiously optimistic. Coming out of the summit, many papers reported on the fact that both leaders, while conscious of their countries' differences, the two leaders reported that there was as Joe Biden put it: “[a] genuine prospect to significantly improve relations.” During their meeting together, several topics came up in the short time that they spoke, several hot button topics being the main focus of the conversation, such as the recent US cyber-attacks, the treatment of Russian Political dissident Alexei Navalny and of course, further arms control treaties, preventing, the somehow still-present threat of nuclear holocaust. These factors in themselves, created a very heated atmosphere during the summit, with many on either side, watching with rapt attention as the two world leaders duked it out in the ring of diplomacy. This however is not a new change in US foreign relations, as it has been common practice for a US president to meet with the sitting Russian president since the second world war, and every meeting has gone in a similar fashion. We can in part blame this on the hesitance still brought on by cold war sentiment, that remains from the disputes brought on between Russian and the US during the atomic age. While, in the end, the soviet union did fall, the Russian Federation, has still kept most of the west in a primed state of discomfort, many of us believing that they will strike soon.
President Putin, of Russia, has noticed this and on several occasions has remarked on the dwindling relations between the two superpowers, most recently declaring that US-Russian relations “are at an extremely low level now.” claiming that “We need to find ways of looking for a settlement in our relations.” So how can we resolve these relations? Well, the short answer is that many couldn't say. The longer answer is that several geopolitical factors around the globe regarding Russian and US relations have become deciding factors in ways that we can amicably resolve issues, such as the well-known annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014, by Russia-still a popular point of conversation to both sides. Several other points of the debate have been those of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, as well as the capital insurrection. Nevertheless, it is plain to see that deciding factors in US-Russian relations are undoubtedly controversial, and in order to resolve our relations with the Federation, it is up to us to work to find a solution.
As always, there is always the possibility of a better tomorrow. What can you do to make it a reality?